Disc, sciatica and nerve pain explain

Disc, sciatica and nerve pain explain

There are different types of pain. There is radicular (nerve root) radiculopathy (injury to nerve root) and referred (muscle, bones, cartilage, organs).

There are common referral patterns which can help narrow down the cause of nervey pain
Let’s talk about Sciatica,
Sciatica is an umbrella term.

Sciatica is not a diagnosis for a disc bulge it can be a few things.
Lets just do a brief explanation about Disc herniations/ bulges or slipped discs although a disc can not slip!

Disc herniations/ bulges isn’t something that goes from grade 1 to grade 4 instantly. It is usually gradual over time.

When the bulge gets to the end of the annulus (grade 4) This is when the pain really starts. When your disc has “gone” because you sneezed or got out of the car funny it is highly unlikely it has gone from grade 1 to 4 instantly.

It is more than likely something that has been going on a while and over time it has got worse. Which is why you can go from being in the gym to crippling pain fast.

Having a disc bulge isn’t the end although for some it certainly feels that way! There is management that can be done to help with the pain and they can repair and get better.

Although I say this there have been times when pain management hasn’t helped at all.

Sometimes surgical intervention maybe required. Which I have seen a few times where there is incomplete cauda equina.

Cauda equina is a medical emergency that happens when an injury or herniated disk compresses nerve roots at the bottom of your spinal cord. But if this was happening you would know about it.

If you have what you think is Sciatica, you dont have to live with it. Please do not worry and for heavens sake don’t Dr google or you may as well just climb in the coffin now.

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