frequently asked questions

We have done our best to answer some of your most commonly asked questions about massage therapy here, but let us know if we missed anything! Feel free to browse our site for even more information.

General questions

What should I expect during my appointment?

At Back 2 Normal clinic we try to make sure everyone who visits us has a relaxing and enjoyable experience with us and to help with that we have a full break down of what to expect on your first visit here

Is it necessary to shower before my massage?

It is not necessary to shower right before your massage, but please arrive clean and free of fragranced products to your appointment.

Is it okay to talk to the massage therapist during my massage?

If you become quiet and relaxed throughout your session, you will receive the greatest benefits from your massage…which allows your massage therapist to focus on providing an excellent treatment!

Definitely communicate with your therapist if you feel any pain or discomfort, if you have any concerns during your massage then give feedback to ensure that the pressure is not uncomfortable.

Aftercare questions

Is it ok to exercise right after a massage?

Yes, it’s perfectly fine to exercise after a massage, but most people prefer to stay relaxed.

What should I do after I receive a massage?

It’s a great idea to give yourself some additional time after your massage to continue relaxing and to allow your body to fully absorb the benefits of massage.

Sensitive questions

What if I fall asleep, during my massage?

This very often happens during a massage and is nothing to be embarrassed about. Just take it as a sign you are enjoying the relaxation!

Do i need to take off my underwear when I get a massage?

No, you do not.

For Sports Massage & Stretching,  you may be asked to leave some or all of you clothing on.


For Deep Tissue Massage,  keep undergarments on, and you are encouraged to undress to your level of comfort.

Any other questions feel free to ask us via this contact form